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Planned Giving at MathPath

When you include a gift to MathPath as part of your legacy, you are continuing a tradition that has spanned decades: teaching the craft of mathematical writing, inculcating the importance of proof, practicing the heuristics of problem-solving, and providing a unified view of mathematics and its culture through its historical development.

Below are some of the most common ways to give, including gifts from an estate, gifts that provide income for life, and gifts using creative funding assets.

Ways to Include MathPath in Your Planning


One of the simplest ways to create a legacy with MathPath is through a bequest in your will or trust. You can leave a specific amount, percentage, or all or a portion of the remainder of your estate.

Beneficiary Designations

Naming MathPath as the beneficiary of a retirement account, insurance policy, or bank or brokerage account may offer significant tax benefits and is easy to update should your plans change in the future.

Gifts of Real Estate

A gift of real estate such as a residence or commercial property may be a meaningful way to make a gift to MathPath.

Appreciated Securities

You may be able to use appreciated stock, bonds, or mutual funds to make a gift to support MathPath that provides a charitable deduction while also avoiding capital gains taxes.

IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution

If you’re 70 ½ or older, this is a tax-smart way to make a gift to MathPath while decreasing your taxable income. If you are 72 or older, these gifts will also help meet your Required Minimum Distribution.

Charitable Gift Annuity

A contract with MathPath that provides fixed payments for life for you and/or a loved one while also making a gift to a school or program that is meaningful to you.

Charitable Remainder Trust

A trust that generates fixed or variable income for you and/or other beneficiaries for life or a term of years, with the remainder of the trust eventually becoming a gift to MathPath.

Charitable Lead Trust

A creative way to pass on assets to your family while reducing or eliminating gift or estate taxes.

Personal Property

Gifts of art, collections, or other personal property may provide a creative way to make a gift to MathPath.

Donor Advised Funds

Use your existing Donor Advised Fund to make a gift to MathPath or include MathPath as a remainder beneficiary of your fund.

Contact Us

We’re here to answer any questions you may have about making a planned gift or maximizing your philanthropy with MathPath. For more information, contact David Clark, MathPath Financial Director at david.clark@mathpath.edu

The information on this website is not intended as legal, financial, or tax advice. Please consult an attorney, financial advisor, or tax advisor in your planning.